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Dramione Poker Fanfic

  1. Basically all the Dramione fanfiction that takes place either primarily after their graduation at Hogwarts or entirely during the time after their graduation from Hogwarts.
  2. Searching- a Dramione fanfic 886K 25.3K 26 When Hermione visits her favorite muggle cafe in London she never expects to run into Draco Malfoy for the first time in three or four years and he has some information that Hermione desperately needs.
  3. Basicly I'm going to be posting links to all the Dramione FanFic that I've read. Or be posting reactions to a story while I'm reading it. Hope you like it and find some good recs!
  4. All the Hermione and Draco love, hate, fluff, and angst you could ever want. 75% of these stories are rated M (I calculated it). So if that's your vibe, this is the right place. Lots of Dramione smut, lemons, one-shots, multi-chapter, Veela, Death Eater, Marriage Law, memory charm, and everything in between!
  1. Best Dramione Fanfic
  2. Dramione Fanfic Ron Bashing
  3. Dramione Lemon Hard Fanfiction

nixandschnitz, I completely forgot about Mandy’s fic index. She has loads of Hansy fics there, most of which are not in our tags! I shall copy and paste all. See them after the break!

Title: A Friendly Game Of Poker
Author: Mrs. Witter
Rating: M
Genre(s): Humor
Chapters: 4
Word Count: 7,346
Summary: A boys’ poker game leads to interesting revelations.

Title: A New Dawn
Author: Fiona
Rating: NC-17
Genre(s): Romance
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 5,739
Summary: A Hogwarts School Reunion and a chance for a new start.

Title: A Question of Trust
Author: Moreteadk
Rating: G
Genre(s): Romance
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 2,845
Summary: Hermione nearly lets her insecurities get the better of her.

Charon's Gift by Philyra912 is a Dramione one shot that has been nominated for multiple awards, and rightfully so. It's a Christmas fic and one filled with angst. Seriously, do not go into this one without a box of tissues handy. This fic takes place after the events of The Half-Blood Prince, and they have lost many friends and family.

Title: Being a Good Person is Highly Overrated
Author: prettymama
Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Romance
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 3,930
Summary: Seven years after Hogwarts, Draco’s a barista and Hermione spends her dateless Saturday nights babysitting Ginny’s children. He’s closed off, and she’s in denial. What could they have in common besides that they’re losers?

Title: Come Steal Me From Loneliness
Author: Fiona
Rating: NC-17
Genre(s): Humor
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 5,666
Summary: A wedding, 200% proof firewhiskey, heat and snarky Draco and Hermione.

Title: Drink and Make Merry
Author: cyyt
Rating: PG
Genre(s): Romance, Humor
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 1,279
Summary: Pansy and alcohol equals a situation worse than Neville brewing a Shrinking Solution. With her liquor-loosened tongue, and mind you, loosened with wizarding brew, anything could spew out from her mouth. And it would be much worse than cleaning up the after-effects of drinking.

Title: I Can’t Hate You Anymore
Author: jmalfoy
Rating: M
Genre(s): Drama, Romance
Chapters: 22
Word Count: 141,795
Summary: Being forced to marry a man you hate is not as bad as loving him after he destroyed your life. After years of heartache, will Draco and Hermione ever find true happiness?

Title: Laws and Love
Author: NJ Coffee Queen
Rating: T
Genre(s): Romance, Family
Chapters: 15
Word Count: 18,628
Summary: With the repeal of the Marriage Law, Draco and Hermione reexamine their life together.

Title: Love Boat
Author: cleotheo
Rating: PG-13/T
Genre(s): Romance, Friendship
Chapters: 14
Word Count: 32,817
Summary: An invite to Blaise and Daphne’s wedding means Draco will be in the same place as an obsessed Astoria. In a bid to keep Astoria at bay, Draco ropes his best friend, Hermione, into attending the wedding as his girlfriend. Will the charade turn into reality, or will the smitten couple refuse to acknowledge their real feelings for one another and remain just friends?

Title: Magic in the Muggle World
Author: NJ Coffee Queen
Rating: T
Genre(s): Romance
Chapters: 23
Word Count: 29,395
Summary: On a case in muggle London, Hermione runs into the last person she ever expected to see.

Title: Once Upon a Nightmare
Author: Sapphire1031
Rating: M
Genre(s): Romance, Angst
Chapters: 19
Word Count: 94,923
Summary: Its Hermione Granger’s 7th year. Voldermort is dead, she is Head Girl, and she is about to start a real relationship with Ron. Everything is perfect, or so she thinks. When everything goes wrong and the unthinkable happens, who will help her survive.

Title: Spinning Plates
Author: Fiona
Rating: NC-17
Genre(s): Romance, Humor
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 8,255
Summary: Back to Hogwarts as adults…and time to set a couple of things right.

Title: This is the Life
Author: mooney2187
Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Romance
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 2,128
Summary: Hermione Granger has been working nonstop and when she goes out to dinner with her friends, why won’t they let her leave? And what is Draco Malfoy doing in her apartment?

Title: Trifles
Author: dormiensa
Rating: T
Genre(s): Fluff, Humor, Romance, Satire
Chapters: 6
Word Count: 17,185
Summary: A Voldemort-free wizarding world is finally showing signs of growth as the first group of post-war Hogwarts graduates take unprecedented steps towards interhouse unity. Only two among their most prominent members remain aloof. But not for long, if a group of scheming matchmakers have their way …

Title: The Middle Leg Prevaileth
Author: peach12blossoms / iDontKissAndTell
Rating: M16
Genre(s): Romance, Humor
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 4,691
Summary: Draco really should have learnt from all the other times Zabini’s plans failed spectacularly that he would be the one who had to fix whatever mess it caused. Unfortunately, the wizard had a knack for persuasion and with only one mention of Hermione Granger’s name coupled with the phrase ‘never going to happen, so you might as well move on’, Draco was sold.

Title: Without a Paddle
Author: mandy-jg/sellthelie
Rating: PG
Genre(s): Humor, Romance
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 4,103
Summary: What to do when the ‘dynamic duo’ push you too far? Ask Granger out of course.

- Lisa

Following my article earlier this year on 50 must-read Harry Potter fan fictions, I’ve decided to narrow in on my favourite ship: Dramione! This is a portmanteau for Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. It’s extraordinarily popular: there are roughly 68,000 Dramione fics on alone. Only the Drarry ship really beats it for size. Its amalgamation of some of romance’s favourite tropes (enemies-to-lovers, opposites attract, tortured hero) means that there’s no shortage of excellent Dramione fan fiction. Especially of the erotic kind.

While I’ve given the author summaries for each story, my own take on it is in italics.

Editor’s Note, 6/22/2020: Following are the works of independent creators. Book Riot no longer promotes J.K. Rowling in light of statements she has made against the trans community.

Best dramione fanfiction complete

15 Smutty Dramione Fan Fictions

#1. Eros & Psyche by RZZMG

Draco challenges Harry and friends to play EROS & PSYCHE, a scandalous card game with a dark, mysterious history. It’s Slyth vs. Gryff, male vs. female, pride vs. desire in the ultimate game of hearts and amour! [Angsty and dramatic, not nearly as ‘porn without plot’ as it sounds! The author is extremely prolific and I recommend checking out all of her works to see which ones you like.]

Best Dramione Fanfic

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#2. Silencio by AkashaTheKitty

One late night, hate turns to lust. [That laconic little summary tells you pretty much everything you need to know. Enemies to lovers, angst, lots of smut…The author is also a very popular one in the fandom!]

#3. The Malaria Visions by galfoy

Hermione has a series of vivid dreams about Draco Malfoy after taking anti-malarial medication. Can she reconcile the real Draco with the one she sees when she sleeps? [Very funny short Dramione fan fiction involving Hermione’s wacky subconscious.]

#4. The Wedding Rings by Masha19

He was the sweetest drug and she refused to give it up even at the expense of losing herself. [Draco and Hermione are in an adulterous affair. While I don’t condone this behaviour in real life, it’s angsty and well-written.]

Dramione Fanfic Ron Bashing

Erotic Dramione Fan Fictions: BDSM

#5. Ardent Bonds by Musyc

Maybe it was wrong to think about this, maybe it was horrible to even consider, but if Draco Malfoy liked to dominate, she couldn’t stop herself from picturing it. Picturing him. [This one-shot runs the range of BDSM activities. There’s bondage, spanking, flogging, and more. Musyc has a LOT of Dramione BDSM fan fics and I really recommend them all!]

#6. Twenty Minutes, Tops by tamlane

Yes, Malfoy’s fingers felt absolutely magnificent, but they didn’t have all day. They had twenty minutes, tops. Maybe less. [Short, funny, and smutty. Kink: public sex.]

#7. Testing Limits by geoblock

Hermione is late for work, and Draco’s not happy about it. [Kink: roleplaying, with dom/sub elements thrown in as well.]

Dramione lemon hard fanfiction

#8. Thirsty, Mudblood? by scarletladyy

It must’ve been hours since Hermione last had a drink, and it would be exceptionally foolish of her to pass up on the one Malfoy is offering her. But does he have ulterior motives? [Kink: bladder control, humiliation.]


#9. Whole Milk by theimpossiblegeekygrrl

Althea weaned from Hermione’s breast at eighteen months of age. Draco never did. [Kink: lactation.]

#10. Not Your Average Poker Night by y3llowdaisi3s

This week’s boy’s night is a little different… [Kink: exhibitionism, voyeurism.]

#11. Quarrels & Quaffles by Draconian Scribe

Some say that love is a battlefield, but for Draco, it might as well be a Quidditch field. And if only Hermione were a Quaffle, he would score with her. If she wanted him to play Chaser, then, by Salazar, he would stop at nothing to win. [Kink: uniforms, roleplay. I love this author – their Dramione one-shots are hilarious!]

#12. A Very Granger Reunion by Colubrina

When Hermione sets out to meet her tiresome cousins for their annual reunion dinner she knows it will be a chore. But she didn’t expect to find herself at the restaurant with Blaise, who for some unknowable reason of his own was flirting with her cousins, an ugly dress, no contacts, a missing Draco, and a mouse who was, she assumed, quietly getting drunk in her purse. [So funny it pretty much borders on crackfic. Hermione x Draco x Theodore Nott.]

Dramione Lemon Hard Fanfiction

Dramione oneshots fanfiction

#13. Scenes from a Seduction by Elle_Morgan_Black

It was just supposed to be a job, a summer of tutoring and research. She had no idea what she was getting into. [Draco and Astoria are married, but when they hire Hermione to tutor Scorpius, sparks fly between all three of them. Superbly well-written, though still in progress.]

#14. Masquerade by Inell

Hermione meets a mystery man in the garden during a masquerade ball. [Hermione is married to Blaise in this one, but watching Draco with another woman makes her realise that he belongs to them. I’m sure I mentioned this last time as well, but Inell has hundreds of absolutely fabulous filthy one-shots with all pairings!]

#15. Res Publica by olivieblake

She’s ahead in the polls, and he’s going to lose. But what she does behind closed doors is her business. [Part of a one-shot collection. In this one, Draco and Hermione are both in open marriages to other people. They’re also running against each other for Minister of Magic, which leads to explosive hate-fuelled lust.]

No doubt at some point I’m going to be adding to this list, because the Harry Potter fandom and I are nowhere near done with each other…In the meantime, check out this list of 35 Harry Potter eroticas with mixed pairings!