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Blackjack Strategy Deutsch

This blackjack calculator will help teach you the correct play to make for every scenario possible. Our advanced algorithm allows you to customize different table rules so you can make the best informed decision to beat the house. So if you use blackjack basic strategy 8 deck, you are recommended to do the following: The player isn’t advised to play insurance bet because this bet raises the house edge. If there is a situation in which you can’t re-split a hand, the best solution is to treat the hand as a hard total hand. A basic blackjack strategy is very simple to apply, and requires only the memorization of a simple blackjack strategy chart. We certainly don’t expect you to be able to memorize the blackjack strategy chart in a single day, or even a week, but with some diligent practice, it should be too hard to get it down. The Blackjack Strategy Trainer is a free blackjack game that teaches basic strategy while you play. If you find any bugs please leave a comment below! Your feedback is greatly appreciated. For mobile users in particular, please click on the full screen button.

Blackjack can be broken down to a mathematically-proven, superior way to play each hand called Basic Strategy that has been tested and refined through computer simulations based on the work of early pioneers like Dr. Edward O. Thorp. When followed correctly, basic strategy reduces the house edge to as little as half of one percent.

If you want to be successful at blackjack you need to learn basic strategy. Most players start learning by referring to a basic strategy chart. The strategy chart shows you how to play your first two cards based on the dealers up card. Referring back to beginning blackjack you know that the house gains its edge by the fact that the player must act first. Since the basic strategy chart only deals with the first two cards, you will also need to learn what decisions to make after taking a hit.

Blackjack Strategy Deutsch

Translate the Chart

The best way to do this is to translate the basic strategy chart into plain English that explains how to play each of your two-card starting hands.

For example, if your first two cards are and a 5 and a 3 you have a total of eight. The chart tells you to hit. You draw another 3, which gives you a total of eleven. The chart tells you to double on 11 but you can only double on your first two cards. Therefore, you must hit.

When we translate the strategy chart into plain English, we use the word 'otherwise' when dealing with situations that are different because of multiple cards. If we were to write out the example above it would be: If you have 11 - double, otherwise hit.

Here's how to play basic strategy when there are more than two cards involved written out in plain English.​

Blackjack Strategy Deutsch

How to Play Hard Hands

A hard hand is two starting cards that do not contain an ace.

If you have eight or less, always hit.
If you have Nine: Double if the dealer has 3 thru 6 - otherwise hit.
If you have Ten : Double if the dealer has 2 thru 9 - otherwise hit.
If you have Eleven: Double if the dealer has 2 thru 10, Hit if dealer has Ace.
If you have Twelve: Hit if the dealer has 2 or 3, Stand if the dealer has 4 thru 6, otherwise hit.
If you have 13- 16: Stand if the dealer has2 thru 6, otherwise hit.
If you have 17 - 21: Always Stand.

Blackjack Strategy Deutsche Bank

How to Play Soft Hands

A soft hand is when one of your starting hands contains an ace.

Blackjack Strategy Dealer Hits Soft 17

If you have Ace 2 or Ace 3: Double if the dealer has 5 or 6 - otherwise hit.
If you have Ace 4 or Ace 5: Double if the dealer has 4 thru 6 - otherwise hit.
If you have Ace 6: Double if the dealer has 3 thru 6 - otherwise hit.
If you have Ace 7: Stand if the dealer has 2, 7 or 8. Double 3 -thru 6 - otherwise hit.
If you have Ace 8 or Ace 9: Always Stand.

How to Play Pairs

If you have a pair of Aces or Eights: Always split.
If you have a pair of twos or threes: Split if the dealer has 2 - 7, otherwise hit.
If you have a pair of fours: Split if the dealer has 5 or 6, otherwise hit.
If you have a pair of fives: Double if the dealer has 2 thru 9 - otherwise hit.
If you have a pair of sixes: Split if the dealer has 2 thru 6 - otherwise hit.
If you have a pair of sevens: Split 2 thru 7 - otherwise hit.
If you have a pair of nines: Split 2 thru 6, and 8 or 9. Stand if the dealer has 7, 10 or Ace.
If you have a pair of tens: Always Stand.

Translating the blackjack basic strategy chart into plain English makes it a lot easier to memorize. You can even make up flashcards to help you learn.

Nowadays casino online is very popular among the admirers of such games like blackjack, roulette, slots and many others. There are several reasons for this: it is a great way to spend your free time and earn some money as well. Blackjack is a classic game which exists for a long time and during this time players tried to figure out how to hit the jackpot. We have prepared detailed information about the blackjack strategy 8 deck – one of the most popular and effective for blackjack. This strategy will help to increase the winning chances and teach you how to play in the right way. Follow the particular strategy if you are eager to succeed.

The basic strategy for this game is a set of rules that allows increasing the winning odds of a certain player. Probably you have noticed that sometimes it is very hard to earn money playing blackjack if you are not using blackjack strategy chart 8 decks. The approach is based on computer simulation and statistics and provides the most viable options. You should be aware that this approach can’t guarantee 100% success. Nevertheless, you can be certain that with this approach you are more likely to win.

8 deck blackjack strategy card

First of all, you should remember that the number of card decks influences the way you are going to play and the approach you are going to use in order to win. So if you use blackjack basic strategy 8 deck, you are recommended to do the following:

  • The player isn’t advised to play insurance bet because this bet raises the house edge.
  • If there is a situation in which you can’t re-split a hand, the best solution is to treat the hand as a hard total hand.

During this multiple deck game doubling after a split can be done. In the chart for this game you can notice color-coded cells which indicate the best play: D = double, P = split, S = stand, H = hit. Moreover, the player should remember that the approach works when the dealer stands on a soft 17, it happens almost always if we talk about the 8 deck game. In the case, if the dealer hits a soft seventeen, you should double on eleven against an ace.

There is a table which the player should memorize in order to use this approach during the game. You can also practice at home in order to be sure that you know everything before you are going to start playing for real money.

Blackjack Basic Strategy Deutsch

All rules of this method are crucial but you should remember perfectly the rules that contain words ‘always’ and ‘never’. So read the table carefully and try to memorize everything in order not to lose money during the game. This approach will definitely help you maximize the chances and become closer to the victory.